Reading Device Detects Different Materials Quickly and Reliably
With its shipment verification station Turck Vilant Systems demonstrates in a proof of concept for Merck KGaA Darmstadt that containers with liquids and metal objects can be recorded reliably and quickly in UHF-RFID bulk read operations
The reliable detection of several RFID tags on a pallet is a challenge, particularly when different objects and liquids are involved. At Merck KGaA Darmstadt initial tests on the verification of shipments with conventional RFID-UHF gates showed that not all substances could be read with sufficient speed and reliability. The UHF-RFID experts from Turck Vilant Systems took up the challenge and were able to demonstrate with their shipment verification station that even ethanol containers and randomly oriented tags could be identified reliably and quickly.
As part of the digitalization of its own processes, the question was asked in Darmstadt to what extent the recording and verification of deliveries could be automated. Yanick Luca Kleppinger,, examined in his final year thesis the effect of different solvents on bulk detection with UHF-RFID technology. As part of this study Kleppinger also carried out a proof of concept with regard to the question how well different chemicals and containers can be identified with UHF-RFID technology. In the test setup for this feasibility study, he tested the technology using examples of seven pallets that reflected the variety of containers and substances.
The tests with a conventional RFID gate were promising. The detection of the ethanol pallets did however show differences to the detection of pallets with different solvents. Tags fixed to the inside of the ethanol containers in particular could not be reliably detected. The mixed pallet also presented problems for the conventional RFID gate.
Shipment verification station uses wave reflection on metal walls
The engagement of RFID integration specialists Turck Vilant Systems (TVS) brought a solution. Besides its own RFID middleware, TVS uses optimal hardware for the application at hand. “Detecting pallets with liquids in an RFID gate cannot be done with a conventional gate setup,” recalls Robert Paulus, the business development manager at TVS who took care of the proof of concept at Merck KGaA Darmstadt. The tags fixed inside were surrounded by liquids on all sides. As the ethanol still absorbs the waves, the inside tags are not detected. “We have had good results with our shipment verification station (SVS) in these kinds of applications, says Paulus. The SVS is a metal box on which the three walls and the ceiling are fitted with UHF read/write heads. The pallet with the objects to be identified is inserted through the remaining opening
Polarity critical for readability
The test with the first three pallets showed that the three solvents had a different reaction to ultra high frequency waves. While the detection of the 120 tags on the pallet containing the ethanol bottles took 30 seconds, the bottles with different solvents could be read in two seconds. The tags on the bottles were read at virtually the same speed as the tags on the cartons, and so the difference had to be in the properties of the solvent. Literature to date had only mentioned that liquids had a dampening effect on electromagnetic waves. The three liquids had similar viscosities but differed significantly in their dampening properties. Kleppinger looked for a different molecular property that differentiated the three solvents: The result of his study was the polarity of the materials was the critical factor. If this finding can be confirmed with further tests, this will represent a new level of research in future on the effect of liquids on readability with UHF-RFID.
Successful proof of concept result
With a read device like the shipment verification station the test pallets examined could be used reliably with all materials for verifying shipments at Merck KGaA Darmstadt and in very good to acceptable read times for logistical processes. Even with the most difficult substance ethanol, the bulk detection operations with read times of up to 30 seconds were impressive. When using the right on-metal tags, metal containers likewise do not present a problem.
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- Vopsitorie - Identificare patine de ghidaj
- Asamblarea finală - Montarea geamurilor cu ajutorul robotului
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- Secţie caroserie – Zona de protecţie pentru celule robotizate
- Item-level Detection with UHF RFID
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- Controlling hydraulic pressure in pressing plants
- Measuring process pressure on scissor lifts
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- Detecţia piuliţei de sudură
- Trasabilitate cu RFID
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- Producţie de bare cu Identificare
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- Identificare cu RFID a duzelor de injecţie
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- Easy Connection of Field Devices
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- Identificarea racordurilor de furtun
- Monitorizarea eficientă a tablourilor electrice în câmp
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- Planificarea şi asamblarea soluţiilor pentru sisteme
- Povești de Succes
- I/O System Excom Creates Space in the I&C Rooms
- RFID în zonele 2 şi 22
- Controlul eficient al testării
- Comunicaţie de câmp cu protecţie intrinsecă
- Parteneriat sistem control proces
- I/O la distanţă în Zonă cu Risc de Explozie
- Confirmare poziţie valvă duală
- Flexibilitate cu fieldbus
- Administrare patrimoniu cu I/O la distanţă
- Poziţionarea corectă cu RFID în producţia de carbid
- Fast conversion in restricted space
- Energie
- Industria Alimentară și a Băuturilor
- Condition Monitoring of Control Cabinets
- Condition Monitoring in Storage Rooms
- Controlul grosimii aluatului în maşinile de rulat
- Identificarea containerelor alimentare
- Verificarea recipientelor
- Detecţia poziţiei valvelor
- Detectare poziţie țevi de racord
- Identificarea matriţelor pentru ciocolată
- Povești de Succes
- Decentralized Control Modules in Coldstore
- Urmărire şi identificare cu RFID în producţia de carne
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- UHF RFID în centrul de distribuţie alimentară
- RFID pentru producţia de ciocolată
- I/O distribuit pentru echipamente alimentare
- I/O la distanţă pentru distilerii
- RFID şi autoclave
- Transparenţă în producerea ciocolatei
- Surse de alimentare IP67 pentru conveiere
- Identificare în depozitarea produselor alimentare
- Detecţia recipientelor cu cameră
- Logistică
- Decentralized Muting of Electro-sensitive Protectice Equipment
- I/O Blocks Control Roller Conveyor Modules
- Fast Tag Detection at Warehouse Gates
- Item-level Detection with UHF RFID
- Întreținerea preventivă a benzilor transportoare
- Detection of Transport Containers
- Level Detection in Vessels
- Identification of Cryovessels
- Identification of Mobile Containers with Handheld Devices
- Identification of Food Containers
- Tier 1 – Bumper Identification
- Condition Monitoring in Storage Rooms
- Collision Protection on Reach Stackers
- Success Stories
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- RFID Solution for Warehouse
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- Distribution Lines for Field Sprayers
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- Monitorizarea fluxului de materiale în combină
- Determinarea poziţiei unghiulare a braţului macaralei
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- Industria de împachetare
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- Identificarea cartuşelor de imprimare color
- Funcţionarea sigură a maşinilor
- Verificarea recipientelor
- Monitorizarea capacelor pe liniile de îmbuteliere
- Monitorizarea proceselor de schimbare a formatului
- Identificarea sticlelor de test
- Monitorizarea nivelului cafelei măcinate
- Level Detection in Vessels
- Detection of Transport Containers
- Povești de Succes
- Industria farmaceutică
- Decentralized package verification for pharmaceutical products
- Automate Modular Skids
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- Control of Valve Interfaces
- Monitorizarea actuatoarelor sfert de tură
- Detectare poziție racord
- Semnal I/O la distanță
- Planificarea și construirea sistemelor Super Skid
- Conectarea ușoară a dispozitivelor de câmp
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- Reading Device Detects Different Materials
- Semiconductori
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